Missions: Through the Looking Glass
First Hand Experience of Spiritual Abuse Tactics (bE+)
Finding Hope in the Face of Evil (bE+)
"So, what exactly is a cult anyway?"
How to Understand the Complexity of Trauma and Spiritual Abuse
How do I Support Someone Who is Hurting From Religious Abuse?
Feeling "triggered" can be debilitating. Here's why it happens and what you can do to help yourself.
Denominations can be stress-inducing after religious trauma. What you need to know before you choose
Understanding Healthy Biblical Giving vs. Abusive Financial Exploitation
Spiritual Abuse and Divorce: What Does the Bible Say to do?
Can "Righteous" Anger Justify Abusive Behavior? With Dr. Michael Ballard
Why Are There So Many Bible Translations? How To Choose One You Can Trust.
Are you afraid to ask questions about your religious beliefs? Why you should and 5 steps to start.
Sometimes the grief doesn't surface until after the jolly has quieted.
Ready, set, HEAL! Your healing process is not a race, nor a competition.
Maybe a song can change your life, but a song can for sure inspire you to change your life
Religious abuse is thriving: our collective voices are the scissors to cut the puppeteer's strings
Young Life can do better, and they need to start now because tomorrow is too late.
My ex-husband convinced me that the Holy Spirit told him we needed to get married, but he was wrong
Do you feel inadequate because of lies you've been told in the past by unhealthy people?