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Naomi Wright
Oct 26, 20203 min read
A boy and a girl: best friends who eased each other's fear while being raised in a cult
The boy stepped outside onto the porch to fetch a toy he had left there. When he turned and tried the knob on the front door, he found it...
Naomi Wright
Oct 19, 20204 min read
Every day you love her, even the days when she doesn't love herself
My mom would oftentimes talk aloud to herself, as many of us do. Personally, I like to speak reminders for myself, in hopes of...
Naomi Wright
Sep 3, 20203 min read
Once you have named the hurt and grieved its existence, you can stand up
I watched the first version of my story video a couple of days ago; a video of me sharing about my cult experience. Before clicking on...
Naomi Wright
Sep 3, 20202 min read
Be strong and courageous, but you don't need to face your healing journey alone.
I have a profound love and respect for the Old Testament of the Bible. I have been drawn to it since I broke beliefs with my cult group...
Naomi Wright
Sep 3, 20203 min read
You can either lean into the loss or you can lean into the gain
God is more valuable than a record player. Though I tend not to become attached to inanimate objects, there are a few I have known over...
Naomi Wright
Aug 31, 20203 min read
Have you become an expert at hiding the truth about your life? Maybe you don't have to anymore.
I’m an expert because I have spent all of my life hiding. I was raised with lessons in this skill—to attend public school, engage in relatio
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